What We Do

Since 2015, we have strived to create a community environment where like minded people can come together and make a difference in the places that have the most affect on our future: The Community


Our Mission & Vision

Evoking the power of the people and the land

Priceless Partnerships, based in Tennessee, has a passion for an abundance of wealth and health in lower class communities. Society can only be as Grandiose as its weakest link. But, as an old Korean proverb says, “A beautiful view hath no charm when the cupboard is bare.” Priceless Partnerships is a association where like minded people can connect with the land and begin to thrive for our mutual health and well-being.

What does that mean? We think community health begins with opportunities to learn, grow, and work together for a sustainable future, by sharing ideas and collaborating to create the necessary shift for the growth and development of society as a whole. From planning income generating projects and co-ops with small businesses that create financial freedom, to creating community gardens that nourish and feed ourselves and our elders; from composting programs that recycle our waste into horticultural gold, to developing our local parks in a way that cherishes our unique botanical heritage and conserves our water supply, Priceless Partnerships is evoking the power of the people and the land.

Whether your interests are in growing food, picnicking in the park, restoring financial impairment, enjoying native plants, positive uplifting interactions, or just appreciating the Priceless things in life, Priceless Partnerships is working for you. And we can use your help, too. Sign up with one of our projects and programs as a volunteer or join as a contributing member. Take a stroll through our virtual organization and decide where you want to plant your spade!

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Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. 

— Mark Twain