Welcome to the Best Wellness Center and Day Spa in Memphis

Welcome to Livin Holistic Wellness Center & Day Spa where we encourage you to “find balance”. Our full-service detox spa specializes in Ionic Detox Foot Bath & Yoni Steam (V-Steam) We also offer an  extensive selection of services, including Massage Therapy, Wellness Counseling, Detoxification Services, Alternative Medical Services & Holistic Spa Services. Covering our guests’ basic needs and luxurious wants, our upscale spa features a relaxing environment, top-notch guest assistance and services delivered by an experienced team of the area’s best massage therapists and wellness coaches. We strive to provide the highest level of care for all clients.

In addition to the best wellness spa treatments in Memphis, we carry a number of premium product lines, including Organic & Wildcrafted Herbs & Teas, Dr. Morse Herbal Capsules & Tinctures, Sage Sticks, Himalayan Salt Lamps, Black Soap, Incense, Candles, Hair & Skin Care Products. This unique combination of high-quality products and first-rate wellness spa services positions Livin Holistic Wellness Center & Day Spa as the area’s best wellness spa. Driven by our mission to help our guests achieve a happier and healthier quality of life, we strive to exceed our customers’ expectations and, most importantly, help them find balance.

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Trio Ionic Foot Detox Group Package Deal

Come in with your trio and get a group session going on. Experience detoxification at its finest, while enjoying heated chair massage.

What is Foot Bath Detoxification?

The process of detoxing your body by pulling toxins from various organs of your body, through the sweat glands of your feet. The feet have the largest concentration of pores in the entire body, at 2000 per foot.

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Womb Healing Sister Circle Group Package Deal

Are you ready to come home to your inner goddess? Do you want to open up your pleasure potential and fully embody your feminine power? Would you like to enjoy more vitality, more energy, and more fulfilling intimate relationships? If so, bring your tribe of 3 and experience a Steam Clean of your dreams. During this treatment moist heat opens the pores of the vaginal tissue. Water Vapers carry the plants medicinal benefits into the bloodstream which has a direct affect on our reproductive system. This treatment offers tons of benefits from help with anxiety hot flashes menstrual cramps PCOS yeast, freshness, infertility and many more.


“Nurturing yourself is not selfish—it’s essential to your survival and your well–being.”

— Renee Peterson Trudeau


Why Do We Smudge?

Using the smoke from sacred fires, or burning herbs or incense as a purification ceremony or ritual has been a common practice amongst many traditions throughout the ages. The smoke of medicinal plants and natural substances has been used extensively in many cultures for cleansing and healing. The most common smoke-purification ritual used in Native American tradition is a technique called smudging. It is seen as a bridge to the higher realms; a way to clear spiritual and emotional negativity that has built up in a space or a person. Smudging is often done before a ceremony or special gathering, or even after an argument to clear the air. Although the spiritual benefits of these practices might be viewed with scepticism, the health benefits are proven. As it turns out, this ancient practice literally does clear the air, as burning sage and other herbs neutralises positive charge and releases negative ions, and has antiseptic, bacteria-killing properties.